Where Nutritious Meets Delicious


I got a frantic call from my father in Toronto Wednesday morning asking me "Have you heard the news?" Turns out that I was aware of it but had managed to maintain my composure in the meantime. The news item he was referring to was this one from the CBC:


It confirms what we already know 10 times over....taking care of yourself is good for you. The most significant aspect, I found, was the message that lean is healthy, period. That's a difficult message to swallow (pun intended) for most people, even potentially fear inducing (luckily or not, most of us are quite apathetic these days when it comes to the media dictating how we should live our lives).

I have two comments regarding all the hoopla. The first one is that there are many "lean" people who are not exactly the picture of health, internally or externally. There are so many factors that dictate good health, one of the most important of those is the how.... the path we take there must be completely individual; only because we are all so unique. Through all the trial and error, the process must feel good and worthwhile to each one of us.....personally, my best ally has been time and actually taking it or giving it..to myself. That was the way I found out what is best for me.

Secondly, regarding a good place to start. Depending where you are at and what your life looks like (stressed out?) I would suggest ordering the weekly menu from Personal Fit. It is the perfect complement to your regular diet. In one week you could improve your eating habits by up to 50% depending on your energy requirements. For $90.00 per week you could double up and make an even bigger impact. Watch out for our theme weeks: Raw food, Enhancing digestion and the 100 Mile diet. Eat to live and have fun while your doing it.

Have a good weekend, Birgit.

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